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Man has always dreamed of finding happiness and, through it, of living happily. But how to achieve it? Before you can achieve happiness, you must know how to evaluate your needs and be aware of what will really bring you happiness. Could it be a fulfilling love life, wealth, a fulfilling professional activity, a supportive family life or perhaps a mixture of all of these that would allow you to find happiness? To achieve this, destiny suggests that we study the share of fortune. Nowadays, fortune is a financial term and a relationship with money, but in the past it was the word for luck. Good fortune corresponded to positive opportunities and bad fortune to bad luck. It was the goddess Fortuna in Greek and Roman mythology who chose to touch a person with good fortune or bad fortune according to their birth configuration and life choices. This astrological tradition has remained and it is the calculation of fortune, in other words your potential to cross the right opportunities in life. The planetary configuration at your birth plays an essential role in this.